Presidents and Secretaries
Sunday, July 14th
Huntington Place 357
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Training to make the meetings flow better and keep your members engaged.
Record keeping and the proper minutes
I'm not Lion, It Otter be Fun
Sunday, July 14th
Huntington Place Room 356
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Are you a lion, an otter, a beaver, or a golden retriever? Maybe a little of all four? Join us as we learn about our strengths, the strengths of others, and how to best utilize them.
Sunday, July 14th
Huntington Place 357
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Filing 990N
How do you track money? What documents need to be filed, and when? How to perform audits.
Conventions 101 - New Delegates
Sunday, July 14th
Huntington Place Room 356
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
This class will be helpful for new delegates and a refresher for those who want to improve their parliamentary skills. Instructors will review basic rules to be followed at conventions and introduce Robert's Rules of Order, the parliamentary procedures we follow.
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