​for the Bridge Builder nomination form

Are You A Bridge Builder?

Family, Friends and Retirees of the American Postal Workers Union

Do You Know One?

The deadline for the Bridge Builders Award will be here before you know it, so I want to remind you, if you know someone who is a member of the APWU and/or APWU Auxiliary, who fits the criteria for the award, send their name for nomination. I know we have members that are valuable to you in the organization, and you can show them how much they are appreciated, by doing this.

This is a prestigious award.  Only one person per year, per state is eligible for this award. It is to reward those who have, and still is, helping the Auxiliary/Union , is active in Human Relations, Legislation, Political Action, Public Relations and/or Organizing/Recruitment. It is for Auxiliary and APWU members.

The guidelines are clear and concise, but if you don't understand something or just have a question about them, just contact any of the Executive Board members and they will be glad to answer them for you.

We just ask that when you are filling out the form, keep in mind, someone is reading this for the first time and may not be able to read it. Please write legibly, type or print your information so we will get it correct if they win and we print the award certificate. It is important to get the information on the certificate correct, to avoid hurt feelings or embarrassment. 

Please read the guidelines and send the nomination form to us. Remember, you have to be an Auxiliary member in good standing to nominate someone. The deadline is January 1.

Don't wait for someone else to send in the name. If you know someone who deserves this award, send it in. 


for the list of recipients